New SAXON Tribute Album To See Light Of Day This Month

February 11, 2005

Germany's Remedy Records will be releasing a brand new SAXON tribute album entitled "Eagleution - A Tribute to Saxon", on February 21. The complete track listing for the two-CD set is as follows:

01. STORMWARRIOR - "Power and the Glory"
02. TORMENT - "Denim & Leather"
03. PARAGON - "20.000 Feet"
04. V8 WANKERS - "Wheels of Steel"
05. TWISTED TOWER DIRE - "Warrior"
06. BREAKER - "To Hell and Back Again"
07. DARK AGE - "Heavy Metal Thunder"
08. PERZONAL WAR - "Solid Ball of Rock"
09. PREDATOR - "Burning Wheels of Fire"
10. SEVENTH SON - "Dallas 1 PM"
11. DIVISION - "Princess of the Night"
12. NECRONOMICON - "Machine Gun"
13. AIRBORN - "Unleash the Beast"
14. GODDESS OF DESIRE - "DragonĀ“S Lair"
15. POWERGOD - "Big Teaser"
16. SOLITUDE - "Rainbow Theme ~ Frozen Rainbow"
17. REVIVER - "Fire in the Sky"
18. TWYSTER - "Broken Heroes"

Bonus CD track listing:

01. HEAVY METAL MANIACS - "Strong Arm of the Law"
02. NOISE FOREST - "And the Bands Played On"
03. XIRON - "747 (Straingers in the Night)"
04. RUNAMOK - "A Little Bit of What You Fancy"
05. MIGHTY D - "Crusader"
06. UNDERCODE - "Great White Buffalo"
07. KNIGHTMARE - "Circle of Light"
08. SPECTRE DRAGON - "Dogs of War"
09. WHEELS OF STEEL - "Get Down and Dirty"
10. ANGELCRYPT - "Altar of the Gods"
11. XIRON - "All Guns Blazing"
12. UNDERCODE - "Broken Heroes"
13. TRAGIDIAN - "Motorcycle Man"

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