September 25, 2007MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx was guest on "The Howard Stern Show" on Sirius Satellite Radio this morning (Tuesday, September 25). The follow recap of his appearance on the program comes courtesy of MarksFriggin.com:
"Howard had Nikki Sixx come in after that. He said he came in with a guitar according to Howard. Fred played some 'Girls, Girls, Girls' as he was making his way to the couch. Nikki said that this place was much nicer than the last place. Howard got into it with Nikki and asked him about the divorce he's going through. Nikki said that he's trying to take the high road in this whole thing but the lawyers will drag stuff out in court. Nikki was married to Donna D'Errico from 'Baywatch'. Howard said that if he can't keep that marriage together, then every marriage is doomed.
"Nikki said that this whole thing is a deal-breaker for him. He said he's got a very high standard at this time. He's never going to have anymore kids and he's never going to get married again so 90 percent of the chicks will run away when they hear that. He said that he can't see doing that again. Howard told Nikki about how he said the same thing and now he's engaged. Nikki said he won't do that again. He said that he will not get married again and said that if he even mutters the word marriage, his money goes to a hit man and the guy is going to take him out.
"Howard said that he thinks Nikki will fall in love again and he will end up getting married. Nikki said that he may fall in love again but he doesn't want to be legally bound in love. Robin said that if you've done it once, your chances of doing it again are good. Nikki said he's already done it twice so he's done. He said he used to think it was something that would last forever. Now he doesn't believe that.
"Nikki said that he's really focused on his kids. He's got 4 kids, one with Donna and three from the first marriage, and that's his whole focus. He said that he takes care of the kids with 50/50 custody. Nikki also said that he got a vasectomy and asked Howard if he's going to do it. Howard said he'd like to get that done but he's not sure if he can go through with it. Nikki asked Howard how old his kids are. Howard told him he's got a 24-, 21- and a 14-year-old. He said he's done with having more though. Robin said that he's going to end up having another one.
"Howard said Beth brought it up last night and asked if he's really going to get a vasectomy. He said that he's really not having any more kids. Nikki said that he's going to have a second knot put into his vasectomy so he can make sure he's not going to leak some sperm into his stuff. He said that he and Howard can go through with the whole thing together if he wants.
"Howard asked Nikki how bad the pain was. Nikki said that it wasn't all that bad. He told Howard about the procedure and how they cover you with a towel and then put a spotlight on his junk. A nurse grabs his junk and squeezes it. He said the doctors then come in and do their thing while joking around. He said the pain of the needle in his sack was pretty rough but after that it wasn't so bad. Within 2 days he was good to go and back to fuckin'. He said things feel the same and the size of his loads are normal.
"Howard asked Nikki how things went bad with the marriage. Nikki said that he had gone back to drinking and doing coke so that was his fault. He said that when he was a kid his father left when he was about 3 years old. He said he got some information about his father that was pretty devastating to him. He said that his mother wasn't there either, she left when he was 6. He said that his life was crazy and messed up as a little kid and that led to him being a very pissed off kid. He ended up running away at 13 and was sleeping in people's cars and stuff. He said he now works with runaway kids and knows what they're going through. He said he knows how they're feeling.
"Howard asked Nikki if he's ever seen his father since then. He said he found out years later that he'd died so he went to visit his grave. He said you go through the stages of thinking he was an asshole but maybe his mother drove him away. He's not sure. He said that's the point, he didn't know what was going on there.
"Nikki said that he's in touch with his mother now and he has made amends over all of that. He said that his mother has convinced him that she wasn't the problem in the marriage. He said that he helps his grandfather out since he raised him. He said that the band did really well there for a while but something went wrong and he ended up getting addicted to heroin. He cleaned up after that and stayed clean for like 20 years. He said he started using again when he was going through some rough times with Donna. He went into rehab and really got it this time and that's what led to the book.
"Howard said that some of the things in the book ('The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star') are very interesting. He said he read that Nikki had banged the wife of the singer from IRON MAIDEN. Nikki said that he didn't know it was Bruce Dickinson's wife until the next day. He said he thinks that Bruce knew about it before the book came out.
"Nikki said that this woman had come over to his hotel room back then and knocked on his window and asked to come in. She came in and jumped his bones and left. The next day he met Bruce and he was introduced to his wife. Nikki said that moment in time froze and he doesn't even remember what happened at that point.
"Howard asked Nikki more about his marriage and what went wrong there. Nikki said that the lawyers really dragged stuff out in court that he didn't want to bring up. They made him talk about this stuff though. He said he doesn't like it at all. Howard asked Nikki if he had a pre-nup with Donna. Nikki said he didn't and asked Howard if he had one with his wife. Howard said he didn't because he got married at 23, he had nothing to lose at that point.
"Howard read that Nikki's mother was screwing Richard Pryor back when he was a kid and he used to come over. Nikki said that it was right around 1965-67 or so and it was in the middle of the whole peace and love thing. He said that he talked to his mother about it and she said that it was pretty wild at that time for a white woman to date a black man. They had trouble getting into some places because of that.
"Howard asked Nikki about his love of vomiting. He read that Nikki liked to go into a closet in his house where he'd do his drugs. Nikki said he wouldn't vomit in there, he'd make it to the bathroom. He said that heroin makes you throw up, so does cocaine when you inject it. He said he was doing that stuff in any way he could. The guys spent some time talking about the drug use and how the coke almost always makes you puke.
"Howard read some stuff from Nikki's book where he talks about the puking thing. He would drink tons of water before doing the coke and then puke it up. He said that there is no enjoyment in the addiction thing. He said that's what he tries to tell these kids that he deals with.
"Howard read one thing about Nikki using toilet water to cut his drugs one time. Nikki said that it's awful but he had to go into a bathroom stall to shoot up. Howard said that it seemed like Nikki was trying to kill himself and wondered if he ever got sick from doing stuff like that. Nikki said he just had his blood work done recently and he's fine. He said they did a body scan and the doctor was amazed that he's fine.
"Howard said that Nikki had technically died one time so he wondered if that's what he was going for. Nikki said it was just a sad story. He was doing really well with the band back then and that's what he was doing with his life. He said that now he donates money to Covenant House and tries to help out the kids who are running away.
"Howard read that Nikki had gotten beaten with a bat to get brought back to life after he had passed out one time. Nikki claims that when he died, he saw himself in the bed from above. Nikki said that he later felt like he could see the whole thing. He blurted that out on 'Behind the Music' and knew that he was going to end up talking about that for the rest of his life. Howard asked him if he believes in life after death. Nikki paused for a second and said 'I'm not sure.' Howard said he doesn't believe it at all. Nikki said he doesn't believe that there's a heaven or hell but maybe there's something out there bigger than all of us. He said that the closest he could believe is maybe reincarnation but he doesn't really know.
"Howard read that Nikki was close to spending $140,000 a year on drugs back in 1987. He was told that if he kept that up he'd be broke. That helped snap him out of it.
"Howard asked Nikki about the stuff he did with the chicks and if he thinks about that stuff and how his daughter could end up doing that kind of thing. He said that his 13-year-old kind of blossomed this summer and it did freak him out when he saw her all dressed up and going out with her other 13-year-old friend. He said that he didn't want to let her go out that night and told her she was grounded.
"Howard asked Nikki about shooting up into his penis. Nikki said that there was an accessible vein there so that's where he shot up. Howard figured he had a big cock of he could do that but Nikki said he's like a light switch. He said that he is a grower though. He's not huge but it does grow.
"Howard asked Nikki about the chicks he's banged and if he names any of the really famous chicks he had. He wasn't going to get into those names so Howard asked him what's up with the band now. Tommy Lee has quit the band so he's out now. Nikki said that they had this manager working with the band and he started to demand more money to have Tommy in it with them. The guy kept demanding more money and they ended up suing the guy because of what he was doing. He said they lost 10s of millions of dollars because Tommy was out doing solo stuff. He said that guy cost them a lot of money so they had to sue him. Tommy pulled out of the band because of that and the battle is still going on. He said you'd think that Tommy would support the band but that's not the case. Nikki said that Tommy isn't the singer or songwriter so they should be fine without him. He said he has nothing against him though.
"Howard asked Nikki about the heroin thing and if he still feels like he needs it. Nikki said he doesn't feel that at all. He told Howard that last night he came in and slept for like 8 or 9 hours and his head was spinning but he's glad that he doesn't feel like crap anymore. He said that the rehab he went to was really good for him and they really straightened him out. He said that he had to find out what was at the core of his addiction and that's what he did.
"Richard Christy [ex-ICED EARTH/DEATH drummer and current 'Howard Stern' employee] came in and said that they have something in common. Nikki said he didn't like the way he was smiling. Richard then said that he heard that Nikki wouldn't shower for weeks back when they were touring. Nikki said that was because he was wasted. He told Richard that he has a problem, a serious problem, if he's not showering. He told him to go to SA, Showers Anonymous.
"Howard gave Nikki another plug for his book and said he'd be signing it at a book store tonight. Nikki then told Howard a story about giving the book to someone to read and to let him know if he had gone too far with it. His friends told him that the book would scare the shit out of the kids who would read it at Covenant House.
"Richard was still on the not showering thing and said he heard that Nikki and Tommy used to have contests to see who could go without showering the longest and still get chicks. He heard that Nikki won that contest. Nikki said he thinks he did win that one. They spent a couple of minutes talking about that before Howard moved on.
"Howard played a track off of Nikki's album 'The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack'. The song was 'Life is Beautiful'. Nikki then gave Howard a guitar which was a limited edition. Howard started to play a little bit but it was out of tune. Howard thanked him for that and then had him put it back in the case. Howard gave him a couple more plugs and tried to wrap up the interview. Nikki told Howard he loves this new studio and loves coming in and talking to them.
"Richard asked Nikki if they're still making a movie out of the book 'The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band' which was about the band. Nikki said that it is going to be a movie but it's very difficult to make a good movie so it's going to take a long time. They spent a short time on that and then wrapped up and went to break."