NIKKI SIXX To Speak At Capitol Hill Event For National Alcohol And Drug Recovery Month

August 29, 2007

MÖTLEY CRÜE founding member Nikki Sixx — whose brutally honest upcoming book "The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star" (due September 18 from MTV Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster) chronicles his battles with drug addiction and his road to recovery — will be a featured speaker at the 18th annual National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month luncheon on Capitol Hill, Thursday, September 6. Sixx is the first member of the rock world to share his story of surviving addiction at such an event — a particularly ironic distinction since he was once viewed as one of the most wild and excessive men in rock.

Sixx was invited by NAADAC, the association for addiction professionals, to share his compelling story at this national forum alongside Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Administrator Terry Cline Ph.D., and Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Director H. Westley Clark M.D., J.D.

Sixx hopes "The Heroin Diaries" book, and accompanying CD, "The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack" (released August 21 via Eleven Seven Music) will offer an insight into, and hopefully steer people clear of, the perils and dangers of substance abuse. "The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack" was written and produced by SIXX: A.M. (Sixx, James Michael and DJ Ashba),and was inspired by the dark and crippling diary entries that later became "The Heroin Diaries" book. Though the album was not created with the intention of being a radio record, the lead single, "Life Is Beautiful" is already in the top 20 on the rock radio charts.

Twenty-five percent of the book's profits will be donated to Running Wild In The NightSixx's fundraising initiative for Covenant House California, which helps keep runaway, abused and abandoned youth off the streets.

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