Original FATES WARNING Guitarist Checks In With Latest Update

May 27, 2003

Original FATES WARNING guitarist Victor Arduini, who played on the group's classic early efforts "Night On Brocken" (1984) and "The Spectre Within" (1985),has posted an update on his current activities to the official FATES WARNING message board.

Arduini's posting reads as follows:

"I'd be happy to give an 'update' to anyone interested... Here you go

" 'Traveler [In Time]' and 'Pirates [Of The Underground]' were excellent examples of collaborations between [FATES WARNING mastermind] Jim [Matheos] and myself. We were coming up with riffs left and right and somehow worked together to create these songs. I can still listen to them and remember each riff as who wrote it. Sometimes it's a 2 bar riff, others are verses, etc. The creativity was very high at that time. Other songs although credited to Jim or myself still carry small influences from each other. (eg: marching riff in 'Epitaph' during 2nd riff in intro was mine and added a cool feel to part). The whole 'Spectre' project and the band's growth during the writing and recording was a highlight in my music career. Things were really amazing to be apart of back then.

"My favorite disc I did not play on is without a doubt 'Awaken [The Guardian]' [1986]. I was staring to write for the album and remember practicing versions of 'Fata Morgana' prior to leaving. I can relate to the progression of the song writing as I was in the same frame of mind musically. Wish I could have been a part of such a masterpiece.

"My early influences (I started listening to these bands when I was 8 years old as I lived and hung out near kids 15-18) were without a doubt BLACK SABBATH (Ozzy era),DEEP PURPLE, LED ZEPPELIN, KISS, GRAND FUNK RAILROAD and of course THE BEATLES. However at the time of FATES, I was into so much else that I kind of put aside these bands as I was into what was the metal scene. This included MAIDEN, DIO, ACCEPT, METALLICA. Jim and Steve were great for getting me into bands I would have never found such as DIAMOND HEAD, SCORPIONS, MARILLION, QUEENSRYCHE. My guitar style to this day is layered with bits and pieces of all the guitar bands from the 70's more than the 80's. I think during FATES I just became a product of the environment I was around and your real influences never leave you.

"Favorite metal discs (not counting 70's original metal) that quickly come to mind are:

METALICA – 'Ride the Lightning'
ACCEPT – 'Restless and Wild'
FATES WARNING – 'Spectre' & 'Awaken the Guardian'
IRON MAIDEN – 'Number of the Beast'
DIO – 'Last in Line'/'Holy Diver'
BLACK SABBATH – 'Heaven and Hell'

"Guitars these days are retro:
Telecaster w/Fender Vibraverb - Don't need anything in between- Sounds Sweet!!
Gibson- ES 135-w/ Humbuckers- Great Sound!!
Dobro- Steel guitar- Has a very unique tone
Gibson-1968 acoustic- 1st guitar I owned as still the best tone !!

"[Sons] Jillian and Steven are doing great!! They are the joy of my life and mean the world to me.
Jillian is a music fanatic and it into Modern Rock. I go broke buying tickets to shows and CD's.
Steven is totally sports. Star QB /Centerfield-Was on team that won State Little League title in 2001. May be going to 13yr old World Series in Colorado if he wins a tournament this weekend. So far undefeated!!

"I just want to thank anyone who has been a part of what FATES was or has become. I will always remember when it was just the five of us and our families with the vision that we would make it.

"To start a band that creates a legacy that remains is the dream of every musician. So very proud of my time with the band and what Jim has done. He simply is an amazing musician.

"Currently I'm a Nurse Managing an Assisted Living Community in Connecticut. Doing very well in my life. Just built a home with my beautiful wife.

If anyone is interested I have a CD which I wrote and recorded a few years ago. I am going to upload onto Winmx and will put under 'Painted Horse' 12 songs that I am very proud of. Not FATES in any way but is what I'm about these days."

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