OZZY OSBOURNE's Former Assistant To Explain How Split With BLACK SABBATH Happened

June 9, 2006

News & Star is reporting that David Tangye, Ozzy Osbourne's assistant during the early BLACK SABBATH years, will appear in a new BBC 1 series next Monday night (June 12) to explain how Osbourne and SABBATH parted company.

The series — "You Can't Fire Me, I'm Famous" — looks at well-known people who have been fired.

Dave Tangye was invited to contribute after the producers read "How Black Was Our Sabbath"; the unofficial biography of the band which he wrote with fellow roadie Graham Wright.

Dave said: "Graham Wright and I went down to London two months ago to record for the show. We were interviewed for about an hour and a half regarding Ozzy's dismissal from BLACK SABBATH back in 1979.

"It wasn't a sacking as such. It was a failure to agree on a lot of things. There was a lot of drink and drugs going on but it was mainly musical differences. Guitarist Tony Iommi wanted to use keyboards and Ozzy was more for the old style."

Dave joined SABBATH's road crew in 1975. He travelled the world with the band and got to know Ozzy Osbourne better than most. "He used to shave people's eyebrows when they fell asleep. I always made sure I stayed awake.

"Once we were staying in a hotel in America and the room was right above a river.

"At night Ozzy got some fishing gear and put the TV on the window sill with the brightness turned right up to attract the fish. Suddenly the TV disappeared, and exploded when it hit the water."

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