PAIN CONFESSOR: New Song Available for Download

August 18, 2004

Finnish metallers PAIN CONFESSOR have uploaded an MP3 of the track "Soul Eraser" at this location.

"Soul Eraser" comes off the group's debut album, "Turmoil", due on September 8 through Megamania Records. A video for the album cut "Lake of Regret" will be filmed in early September. According to a posting on the group's web site, the clip "will be shot in a few appropriate locations around Katumajärvi (Lake Regret),a local lake that became legendary as the place where Finnish people, who were forcefully baptized into Christianity, washed away this unwanted baptism in fear of vengeance by their pagan gods."

PAIN CONFESSOR, who feature former members of such groups as A.R.G., JANE DOE 69 and NONSLIPLEVEL, play "melodic metal with clean and death metal vocals mixing various metal sub-genre influences into their unique style," according to an official press release. "Lots of guitar and vocal harmonies intertwine with atmospheric keyboards and tight rhythms. This is thrashy metal but there are no limits to the band's musical expression and imagination."

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