PAMELA ANDERSON Wishes She And Ex-Husband TOMMY LEE Had 'A Better Rapport'

January 10, 2025

During a January 9 appearance on SiriusXM Radio Andy's "Andy Cohen Live", Pamela Anderson admitted that she is not currently not on the best of terms with her ex-husband, MÖTLEY CRUE drummer Tommy Lee, with whom she shares sons Brandon Thomas Lee, 28, and Dylan Jagger Lee, 27.

"We used to talk a lot more," Pamela said. "Not recently, unfortunately, but I wish we did have a better rapport right now."

The 57-year-old actress, who was married to Tommy for three years before they finalized their divorce in 1998, went to express her hope that her friendship with Tommy will improve for the sake of Dylan, who got engaged to his longtime girlfriend Paula Bruss in July 2024.

"We're gonna have grandkids together," Pamela said, before adding, "It'll be okay, eventually. It's just kind of a moment right now."

Back in January 2023, Anderson said during an appearance on "The Howard Stern Show" that she and Lee "text here and there" as parents.

Anderson has been married multiple times, including to Kid Rock from 2006 to 2007.

Lee has been married to comedian Brittany Furlan since February 2019.

Anderson and Lee got married on a beach in Mexico in 1995 after dating for just four days.

The sex tape Lee made with Anderson during their 1998 honeymoon ended up finding its way online after being stolen from their home by an electrician. Pamela later sued the distribution company, but ended up settling, and the tape continued to be available online as a result. The tape reportedly made $77 million in less than 12 months.

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