PARADISE LOST: Survival Of The Fittest

October 25, 2004

PARADISE LOST's official web site has posted the questions and answers from vocalist Nick Holmes recent Q&A session with the group's fans. Several excerpts from the session follow:

Q: Will we have in the forthcoming more electronic elements than in "Symbol of Life" (2002)?

Nick Holmes: "No, quite a lot less...the new album is more guitars orientated!"

Q: What three adjectives would you use to describe this new album?

Nick Holmes: "Solid, melancholic, mean.

Q: How much life do you still see in PARADISE LOST in relation to you guys not wanting to end up just making albums "for the sake of it"? Has it crossed your mind in the last 12 months to just say "Fuck it it’s been great but time to move onto something else?"

Nick Holmes: "I think the days of possibly 'making albums for the sake of it' are long gone, not that we ever have, getting a record deal nowadays in not easy. We work as hard as we can β€” to make the album as good as possible, since Internet sharing started; it really is 'survival of the fittest.' You can never take anything for granted or expect anything.... there is so much uncertainty in the music industry now..."

Q: Has there been any change in the PARADISE LOST writing/working progress?

Nick Holmes: "The Internet has changed our song writing big time. We can send files and change stuff in minutes. We rarely actually meet up, only when we rehearse the songs prior to recording/gigging. Some people find this odd. Those people usually don't have two children and live at opposite ends of the country..."

Read the rest of the Q&A session at this location.

As previously reported, PARADISE LOST announced earlier in the month that the title of their newest album will be "Paradise Lost" β€” in celebration of their 10th studio album since their full-length debut, "Lost Paradise", was released in 1990. Artwork and tracklisting are still to be confirmed.

The follow-up to 2002's "Symbol of Life", "Paradise Lost" was recorded primarily at Chapel Studios in Lincolnshire, England under the guidance of producer Rhys Fulber (FEAR FACTORY, FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY) and is the group's first to feature drummer Jeff Singer (ex-BLAZE).

Singer joined the group in May as the replacement for Lee Morris, who left the band in March due to "personal and musical differences."

The upcoming CD is being described by singer Nick Holmes as "definitely the heaviest album we have done in the last ten years."

"Symbol Of Life", PARADISE LOST's ninth studio album, was produced by Fulber and was released in the U.S. through Koch Entertainment.

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