PARAGON Split With Guitarist, Announce Replacement

August 24, 2003

German power metallers PARAGON have parted ways with guitarist Claudius Cremer and have replaced him with Günny "Gunman" Kruse from the IRON MAIDEN cover band POWERSLAVE. "Because of his studies, [Claudius] moved to Darmstadt which is about 600 kilometers away from Hamburg and over the last month it became clear that he couldn't put too much effort into the band, and also rehearsals became more and more a pain in the ass because of the distance," bassist Jan Bünning wrote on the band's web site.

"Because of the increasing pressure at the university and living 666 kilometers away from my bandmates, we decided that I quit as guitarist and the band used the opportunity of the summer break to work in the new guitarist, Günny, who already had represented me the last two gigs," Claudius added in a statement. "I thank all who supported me the last seven years and wish PARAGON all the best for their future plans!"

PARAGON's new album, "The Dark Legacy", was released on July 28 through Remedy Records (distributed by Zomba). The follow-up to last year's critically-acclaimed "Law Of The Blade" CD features cover art by Dirk Illing of XMD, who has previously worked with TWISTED TOWER DIRE, WIZARD, EXHIBITION and VICTORY.

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