PEARL JAM Announces April-May 2025 U.S. Tour Dates

December 5, 2024

In continued support of their three-times-Grammy-nominated album "Dark Matter", PEARL JAM will be touring select U.S. cities in April and May 2025.

PEARL JAM's live dates will start in Hollywood, Florida on April 24 and 26 and wrap with performances in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 16 and 18. Full tour dates are listed below.

Support acts for these dates will be announced in the coming weeks.

Tickets for these concerts will be available two ways:

* A Ten Club members-only presale for all dates begins today. Only paid Ten Club members active as of 11:59 p.m. PT on December 4, 2024 are eligible to participate in this presale. More info at

* Public tickets will be available through an Artist Presale hosted by Ticketmaster. Fans can sign up for presale access for up to five concert dates now through Tuesday, December 10 at 10 a.m. PT. The presale starts Friday, December 13 at 10 a.m. local time.

PEARL JAM 2025 U.S. tour dates

April 24 - Hollywood, FL - Hard Rock Live
April 26 - Hollywood, FL - Hard Rock Live
April 29 - Atlanta, GA - State Farm Arena
May 01 - Atlanta, GA - State Farm Arena
May 06 - Nashville, TN - Bridgestone Arena
May 08 - Nashville, TN - Bridgestone Arena
May 11 - Raleigh, NC - Lenovo Center
May 13 - Raleigh, NC - Lenovo Center
May 16 - Pittsburgh, PA - PPG Paints Arena
May 18 - Pittsburgh, PA - PPG Paints Arena

PEARL JAM strives to protect access to fairly priced tickets by providing the majority of tickets to Ten Club members, making tickets non-transferable as permitted, and selling approximately 10% of tickets through PJ Premium to offset increased costs. PEARL JAM continues to use all-in pricing and the ticket price shown includes service fees. Any applicable taxes will be added at checkout.

For fans unable to use their purchased tickets, PEARL JAM and Ticketmaster will offer a Fan-to-Fan Face Value Ticket Exchange for every city, starting at a later date. To sell tickets through this exchange, you must have a valid bank account or debit card in the United States. Tickets listed above face value on secondary marketplaces will be canceled. To help protect the Exchange, PEARL JAM has also chosen to make tickets for this tour mobile only and restricted from transfer. For more information about the policy issues in ticketing, visit

PEARL JAM is an alternative rock band formed in Seattle, Washington in 1990. The band's lineup consists of bassist Jeff Ament, rhythm guitarist Stone Gossard, lead guitarist Mike McCready, lead singer/guitarist Eddie Vedder and drummer Matt Cameron. Thirty plus years of live performances, twelve studio albums and hundreds of official live concert bootleg releases later, PEARL JAM continues to be critically acclaimed and commercially successful. The band has sold over 85 million albums worldwide and was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2017. Their 2024 twelfth studio album release, "Dark Matter", is currently nominated for three Grammys.

Since the earliest days, PEARL JAM has used its platform to elevate people and causes that often go unnoticed or underserved. Much of the band's philanthropic work is accomplished through its Vitalogy Foundation which to date has raised more than $50 million for organizations supporting issues such as abortion access, climate change and homelessness, and drawing attention to the fight against diseases such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis and epidermolysis bullosa (EB). In addition to the money Vitalogy donates, the band also donates signed instruments, posters and merchandise to organizations to use for their own fundraising purposes. Compounding the impact of Vitalogy Foundation, the band has supported Jeff Ament's Montana Pool Service building skate parks in Montana and South Dakota. PEARL JAM also lends its voice to notable causes like the West Memphis 3, voting rights and fair ticketing practices. Over the past three decades, the band has a long history of standing up for what it believes in and putting its resources behind those beliefs.

Through its innovative Ten Club and fan engagement, community building, coveted poster designs, and longstanding activism and philanthropy, PEARL JAM continues to have a lasting impact on generations of music lovers.

Photo credit: Danny Clinch

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