PHILIP ANSELMO: CREED Should Be Taken To Court For Robbing PEARL JAM
March 28, 2002PANTERA/DOWN frontman Philip Anselmo on today's rock music (as quoted in the May 2002 issue of Metal Edge magazine):
F.ck music today. I don't listen to that. When I listen to music I listen to stuff from 20, 30 years ago. You're not going to catch me listening to any modern bands today in my genre, the genre that I helped create. When you f.cking do PANTERA riffs and rap over the top of it and jump up and down, you're not going to impress me with that. I'm sorry, but you're not going to.
A band like CREED, to me, needs to be taken to f.cking court and sued over their blatant, pathetic goddamn robbery of PEARL JAM.