PHILIP ANSELMO: DIMEBAG Has To Root Out Some Things In His Life Before We Can Be Happy Again

May 13, 2002

In a brand new interview with PANTERA frontman Philip Anselmo, conducted last week and published today, Monday, May 13th, in the Swedish newspaper Expressen, Anselmo had the following to say about the current status of PANTERA: "In PANTERA, there are some things that are going on that I'd much rather not comment on. I think that they mostly Dimebag, he has some things to root out in his life and make things right before me and him can get down and be happy again."

In response to a direct question as to whether or not there will be another PANTERA album, Anselmo offered: "I would think so. When, I don't know."

[taken from original English-language transcript of interview]

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