Photos: OZZY OSBOURNE And Family Appear At 'Son Of Monsterpalooza' Horror Film Convention In Burbank

October 13, 2024

Rock icon Ozzy Osbourne and his family — Sharon, Jack and Kelly Osbourne — are making a very rare autograph signing and pro photo op appearance this weekend (October 12-13, 2024) at horror film convention Son Of Monsterpalooza at the Marriott Burbank Convention Center in Burbank, California. A few photos from the event can be found below.

Ozzy was a founding member of BLACK SABBATH in 1968, and ventured off to a very successful solo career, releasing over thirteen albums. Osbourne was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2006 as a member of BLACK SABBATH, and will be inducted again as a solo artist in 2024.

By attending Son Of Monsterpalooza, fans have access to purchase the Osbournes' special autograph and photo op experience, "The Ultimate Sin VIP Package" – an opportunity to meet Ozzy in person.

To take part of the special signing with Ozzy and the family, fans must purchase "The Ultimate Sin VIP Package". This $699 package includes a signed 8x10 photo of Ozzy, Sharon, Jack and Kelly and a pro photo op with the Osbourne family. Buying this package gives you the chance to purchase a solo photo op with Ozzy. This package is the only way to obtain a photo with Ozzy alongside the family and/or solo. Sharon, Jack and Kelly will also be available for their own solo photos at an extra cost.

Tickets to Son of Monsterpalooza are required to participate and are sold separately, followed by the purchase of "The Ultimate Sin VIP Package" from photography company Celeb Photo Ops.

For more details and convention tickets, visit

Founded in 2008, Monsterpalooza is the world's premiere horror and special FX makeup convention. In 2012, after high demand, Monsterpalooza launched a fall off-shoot convention dubbed Son Of Monsterpalooza.

Son Of Monsterpalooza features over 150 exhibitors, ranging from makeup and special effects products, to collectible statues, vinyl toys, paintings and much more.

The Prince of Darkness: Ozzy Osbourne 🦇

#ozzyosbourne #lifegoals 🥹

Posted by Iván Michel on Saturday, October 12, 2024

went to monsterpoolza to meet jack, Kelly and Sharon osbourne. and Sharon took us to meet ozzy personally, she is such a...

Posted by Michele Gomez on Saturday, October 12, 2024

Meeting Ozzy Osbourne and family.

Posted by Nick Culves on Saturday, October 12, 2024

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