PLANET STORM To Release Debut Single Late Spring

April 9, 2007

PLANET STORM, the new project formed by the guitar duo of Ronny Blylod (DESTYNATION) and Johannes Forsberg (AMETHYST),has issued the following update:

"Many of you are waiting for some PLANET STORM music to appear. Half of you wanna know how we sound, and the other half want to know if we are a good band. Off course we are.

"A big misunderstanding appears on some websites around the world concerning PLANET STORM. Here is the deal what PS is:

"PS is the guitar duo Johannes Forsberg and Ronny Blylod, writing the music and decides what artist that will be on this album. On the next album, it's possible that NEW singers, drummers and so on participating in making great music. On this album we have the amazing singers of Anders Zackrisson [ex-NOCTURNAL RITES, GOTHAM CITY] and Ronny Hemlin [STEEL ATTACK], according to us in PS, among the top voices in the metal world.

"So we are NOT some kind of HUGE big brass band or whatever. We are two persons in the foundation that have the honour to work with top musicians.

"PS will soon release the single. Hopefully this will happen before the summer starts. The single will have four songs and one bonus song will appear for free on our MySpace page as soon as possible. Then we work on with the full-length CD, trying to release this one after the summer. At the moment, we are putting on the last things on the single, the guitar solos and the vox. So, soon my friends, the music is out to all of you!"

Launched in June 2006, PLANET STORM is said to be "a progressive and neo-classical band which will be fronted by two vocalists."

PLANET STORM guest musicians:

Anders Zackrisson (ex-NOCTURNAL RITES, GOTHAM CITY) - Vocals
Ronny Hemlin (STEEL ATTACK) - Vocals
Fredrik Haake (MELDRUM, MOA, BADGE) - Guitar
Samuel Andersson (MALEFICENT, SOLBJĂ–RN) - Drums
David Lindegren (WAR EMPIRE, ex-AMETHYST) - Bass
Daniel Nitsche - Keyboards

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