Previously Unheard GUNS N' ROSES Song Surfaces Online, Vanishes

August 21, 2013

According to The Pulse Of Radio, a previously unheard GUNS N' ROSES song called "Going Down" surfaced briefly on YouTube earlier this week before being quickly taken down. The track reportedly features bassist Tommy Stinson on lead vocals, although Axl Rose can be clearly heard doing background vocals. It is not clear whether the tune is an older one from the sessions for the band's last album, "Chinese Democracy", or something brand new.

GUNS guitarist Ron Thal confirmed on Twitter that the tune was indeed a GUNS N' ROSES song, although that his tweet was later deleted as well.

Thal told Rolling Stone earlier this year that there was music ready to go for a follow-up to "Chinese Democracy", saying, "There's a lot of stuff, it's just a question of all of us organizing... Hopefully we can make more music."

The band posted a message on August 7 at all its social media pages, saying, "At this time, we have no information on tours, albums, or DVDs. When things get confirmed, we will let you know. Thank you for your patience."

It took Axl Rose 13 years to finish "Chinese Democracy", burning through hundreds of thousands of dollars, multiple producers, every last remaining original member of the group and a few replacements before he was done.

The finished product got mixed reviews and was a relative flop, moving less than one million copies in the U.S.

Rose himself has not spoken about making a new album in any of his rare interviews, only to say that it was a "definite maybe."

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