ROB HALFORD Suffering From Exhaustion, Takes Time Off To Recover
August 6, 2002Former JUDAS PRIEST and current HALFORD frontman Rob Halford is suffering from exhaustion and has asked for time off to recharge his batteries, according to a posting by Rob's longtime personal manager John Baxter on HALFORD's official web site.
Says Baxter: "After recently crisscrossing the planet twice within a three-month period, conducting promotional interviews, in-store appearances, 'live' show engagements, etc., Rob has asked for time off to recover from exhaustion.
"As many of you know, the HALFORD schedule has been non-stop since the band formed in August '99.
"An incredible amount of effort and time has been spent on the road, in rehearsal and recording studios over the past 2 ½ - 3 years, and the pace has fatigued nearly all of us.
"Right now, I'd like to ask for your patience and understanding while we enjoy a break.
"Please don't start expounding on the possibility of a 'reunion', because that is not in the works. This is all about making time for us to get away from the demands of business, and enjoy some time with the friends and family members we've had to exclude from our lives due to our professional commitments.
"Moving on, we have multiple tee-shirt designs - so many that it's probably wisest for us to put them on the site for a week's period, so each of you can help us select which designs we should make available for sale.
"Additionally, the band's website www.RobHalford.com will announce an online chat session in 4-6 weeks with Rob and other members of the band. We'll try and get this scheduled for the first part of October.
"I will update all of you on Rob's well-being in the coming weeks until then, please continue to forward your correspondence to Rob and the band members via e-mail: [email protected]. We enjoy reading your thoughts, ideas and crazy experiences.
"And thanks once more for your understanding of our needs, and the support each of you show us on a daily basis - it really does help us get through the demanding periods."
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