SAMMY HAGAR Is Ready To Make Friends With More Mature DAVID LEE ROTH

June 30, 2006

World Entertainment News Network is reporting that Sammy Hagar is prepared to forgive and forget his spat with fellow former VAN HALEN frontman David Lee Roth, after watching Roth grow old gracefully.

Hagar and Roth's friendship was tested when they toured together a few years back and Sammy grew tired of Diamond Dave's outrageous costumes and his apparent desperation to cling onto his youth.

The tour ended on a sour note as handlers had to keep the two rockers apart backstage, but now Hagar insists he has no animosity towards Roth.

He says, "I'm fine with Dave. I like Dave better now than I did in the old days.

"After we did the tour together, he and I got into a little spiff (sic); they had to put up a wall between us every night — we couldn't see each other, he had to have left the building when I came in and all this kinda stuff.

"But after seeing what he's doing recently he looks like he's having a pretty good time. At least he's not out there dressing up the way he was on my shows... Now he's got his hair looking a little more natural.

"He was the epitome of that era (1980s),I think... and when he started getting older and still trying to look like he was 24 and act like that, I mean it looked really bad. It was rough."

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