SAXON Releases Music Video For 'Dambusters'

December 26, 2022

British heavy metal legends SAXON have released the official music video for the song "Dambusters". The track is taken from the band's latest album, "Carpe Diem", which came out in February 2022 via Silver Lining Music.

Said SAXON singer Biff Byford: "It has been a great year for SAXON this year! A massive THANKS to all who bought the album and came to see us liveā€¦ The pilgrimage starts again next year with 'Seize The Day' Tour - Part 2. Have a great Christmas and Happy New Year! Here's a new video for you."

Produced by Andy Sneap (JUDAS PRIEST, EXODUS, ACCEPT) at Backstage Recording Studios in Derbyshire with Byford and Sneap mixing and mastering, "Carpe Diem" strikes the ear as one of the most essential British metal statements of the last few years and not lacking in pace or bite, an album which will ignite the joy in stalwart supporters and attract a whole new legion to the SAXON fold.

Sneap, himself a guitarist and producer of some metal repute, ensures that "Carpe Diem" does not lack one ounce of grit or sharpness. "Andy's obviously a very good guitarist," said Biff, "but he's not a blues-based guitarist like our guys are; he's more of a modern-style player. And that means the boys (Paul Quinn and Doug Scarratt) love working with him because, again, it's all about the intensity. Andy's always pushing the envelope; he doesn't let them get away with anything. They have to play it for real, full speed. He gets great sound, and we want that Gibson/Marshall '80s sound even if they're not Gibsons and Marshalls. We try and retain that British metal guitar sound that we created for SAXON, and he's definitely an '80s child."

Regarding the songwriting process for "Carpe Diem", Biff told Metal Rules: "Generally, I want the riffs and the guitar to be important again on this album. A lot of music is just rhythm-based these days. I just wanted to bring the riffs back. My brief suggestion to the guitar boys and Nibbs [Carter, bass] was to come at me with some great guitar riffs. The faster, the better. I think that works on this album as there are some great guitar riffs. A lot of the ideas that I had started with their riffs. In the '80s, the guitar riff was supreme, with the vocals and guitar being the main aspects of the sound. Not there are no guitar riffs on 'Thunderbolt', because there are, but on this album, we put more emphasis on the riff and the way that they are played. It is quite aggressive and on the edge. 'Remember The Fallen' does have a 1984 or 1985 vibe. It's an easy song to play and sing. It's one of those songs that lends itself to a lot of melody. The subject matter is not so light. I like that style of SAXON playing in the rhythm and riff. It's not a single-string riff but a rhythm riff. Originally, I wasn't sure if I liked the song as it was on our B list for a long time. I wrote the lyrics to it and wanted it to go on the album."

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