SEBASTIAN BACH: Sifting Through Audition Tapes
June 23, 2003Former SKID ROW frontman Sebastian Bach has posted the following message to his official web site:
"Hi all! Just wanted to say THANK YOU to each & every one of you who have sent me a package in the mail regarding the band auditions! I have a veritable MOUNTAIN of CDs/tapes/etc. so it is taking me a while to check them all out. But there are definitely some ass-kicking musicians out there that I was previously unaware of, so this has been an eye & ear-opening experience & a pleasant surprise! I am trying to email everyone who sent me a package so please include your email address when you send me a package. There was one drummer named 'Craig Buchman' that I was interested in, but the dude left no email address or phone # to get back to him, so Craig, if you are out there reading this, email me so we can possibly get together!"