SEETHER Bassist Says It's 'Frustrating' Not Being Able To Tour In Support Of New Album

July 21, 2020

SEETHER bassist Dale Stewart spoke to Terrie Carr of the Morristown, New Jersey radio station 105.5 WDHA about what it's like to be releasing and album during quarantine. The group's eighth LP, "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum", is due on August 28 via Fantasy Records. So far, two tracks have been made available from the effort, "Bruised And Bloodied" and "Dangerous".

"It's frustrating to have this album that you worked really hard on and you're really proud of, and you can't wait for people to hear this thing, and you can't wait to go out there and play these songs for people," Dale said (see video below). "You can read reviews, you can talk to people, but when you see how the crowd responds live, that's really the affirmation there, that instant reponse. So we'd love to get out there and play these songs, and here we are sitting at home, and we've got this album in the can and no shows. Yeah, it's frustrating, but this too shall pass. We just need to be patient. I guess safety first. But I feel like we're getting to the end of theā€¦ The worst is behind us, let's say."

Translating to "If You Want Peace, Prepare For War", "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" features 13 new tracks, including the aforementioned "Dangerous". An animated music video for the track was created by noted Turkish director Mertcan Mertbilek (Santana, Ray Charles, Ravi Shankar, Elvis Costello).

"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" was produced by Morgan and engineered and mixed by Matt Hyde (DEFTONES, AFI) in Nashville from December 2019 through January 2020. The band is joined on the album by newest member Corey Lowery (ex-guitarist/vocalist for SAINT ASONIA and STUCK MOJO),SEETHER frontman Shaun Morgan's friend of 16 years, who also assistant-engineered the album.
Morgan and Stewart formed SEETHER in South Africa in 1999 under the name SARON GAS. The band released its first album, "Fragile", in 2000, and eventually caught the attention of American record label Wind-Up Records.

SEETHER has undergone several lineup changes over the years, with Morgan and Stewart remaining constant.

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