SERJ TANKIAN Performing With Orchestras In Europe

February 23, 2010

According to The Pulse of Radio, Serj Tankian will perform an orchestral version of his 2007 "Elect The Dead" album at a series of live shows to take place in Europe this summer. The "Elect The Dead Symphony" was first unveiled last March at New Zealand's Auckland Town Hall with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, a performance that will arrive on CD and DVD on March 9 of this year. Now Tankian will recreate that show with some of the finest orchestras in Europe, including the Czech National Symphony Orchestra, the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, and Italy's Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana.

As for bringing the "Elect The Dead Symphony" to the U.S., Tankian told The Pulse of Radio that it will happen eventually. "Yeah, I've got my agent looking into it," he said. "The problem is we're a little late for this year just 'cause, you know, orchestras are usually booked up a year, year and a half ahead, and so trying to find the right opportunities with the right people is just a little more difficult, but we're trying to do that, yeah. If it works out that it's in 2011, I don't care, I'll do it then."

Nationwide screenings of the "Elect The Dead Symphony" DVD began on Friday (February 19) and will continue up to the release date of the disc. You can check out for screening info.

Tankian is also working on his second solo album, which is tentatively titled "Music Without Borders" and which the singer describes as "electro-orchestral-jazz-rock." He hopes to have the album out by late summer.

Tankian's band, SYSTEM OF A DOWN, has been on hiatus since late 2006 and shows no signs of regrouping any time soon.

Confirmed performances of Serj Tankian's "Elect The Dead Symphony":

* June 17 - Moscow, Russia - Crocus Hall (w/The Symphony Orchestra "Globalis")
* June 20 - Warsaw, Poland - Amfiteatr Sowinskiego (w/Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra)
* June 24 - Prague, Czech Republic - Mala Sportovni Hall (w/Czech Natl Symphony Orchestra)
* June 27 - Linz, Austria - Brucknerhaus (w/Bruckner Orchester)
* June 30 - Berlin, Germany, Admiralspalst (w/Czech National Symphony Orchestra)
* July 04 - Milan, Italy - Civic Arena (w/Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana)
* July 05 - Rome, Italy - Auditoirum, Parco Della Musica (w/Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana)

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