SERPENT RISE: Early Demo Tape To Be Reissued On CD

November 23, 2005

Considered the oldest active Brazilian doom metal band, SERPENT RISE have announced plans to re-release on CD their legendary demo tape "AnastenĂ¡rides", which originally came out in 1994. This re-release will come with the tracks from the 1995 demo "Travellin' Free..." as a bonus. Pre-orders are currently being accepted through the e-mail address [email protected] (special prices for distros). The complete track listing is as follows:

01. Mistress of my Paradise
02. Gardens of Illusion
03. Misericordium
04. Betrayer God

Bonus Tracks:

05. Mistres of my Paradise (Funeral Version)
06. Travellin' Free... in the Cosmic Sea

This release is being made through a partnership between Satanael Records and Wolfshade Productions.

For more information on SERPENT RISE, visit

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