SETHERIAL: In Recording Mode
July 29, 2009Swedish black metallers SETHERIAL have issued the following update:
"We have now recorded six drum tracks [for the new SETHERIAL album, entitled 'Ekpyrosis'] and this time we decided to go for a fully acoustic drum sound using no triggers or other modules.
"This week we will continue with the drums and also continue with the guitars and vocals. We are aiming for a much more organic production with this album since it fits the overall concept and the pre-productions we've done sounds extremely promising.
"The lyrical theme of 'Ekpyrosis' is about a metaphoric connection to the unavoidable conflict of the universe, through the satanic angle and perspective.
"The Ekpyrotic Universe draws its name from the ancient Greek word ekpyrosis, meaning 'conflagration' (disastrous fire or conflict). According to an ancient cosmological model with this name, the universe was created in a sudden burst of fire.
"A tribute to the complete obliteration spiral of all particles that is ever created where the all-seeing/all-destroying eye of Satan's singularity is represented by the destructive forces and dark energy of this vast, unknown universe.
"We are currently also working with different ideas for layout and we will present it to the public as soon as we has made a decision of which artwork to use."
Songtitles set to appear on "Ekpyrosis" include:
* Seven Are They
* Thoughts Of Life They Wither
* The Devouring Eye
* Firestorms Over Haar-Megiddo
* The Neural Cage Of Selfinfliction
* Subsequent Emissions From A Frozen Galaxy
SETHERIAL recently parted ways with bassist Funestus Inferis.
The new official SETHERIAL lineup is:
Infaustus - Vocals
Kraath - Guitars and bass
Thurz - Guitars
Mysteriis - Battery
SETHERIAL's fifth album, "Death Triumphant", was released in May 2006 via Regain Records. The follow-up to 2003's "Endtime Divine" was recorded at the Abyss studio and is said to be "more technical than their previous albums but the aggression still remains."