STATUS QUO 'Forced' Into Re-Recording Old Classics
April 29, 2003STATUS QUO were reportedly forced by their record label to re-record their old classics and lay down several covers as part of a "new" album collection dubbed "Rocking All Over The Riffs".
"It is something we got talked into," lead singer Francis Rossi told Undercover News. "If it means they'll let us make real albums then we have to do that, I suppose.
"It's just that we didn't want to do an album like that but we had to," Francis continued. "It is hard being in that position where you have to do something but it keeps us alive".
"Rocking All Over The Riffs" was meant to be released alongside their latest studio album, "Heavy Traffic", but the covers record has now been delayed until later this year. QUO have re-recorded "Rocking All Over The World", "Whatever You Want" and "Down Down" for the album, but go back even further with some of their early '60s hits. "We also did 'Down The Dustpipe' and 'Junior's Wailing'," co-founder Rick Parfitt said.
"Rocking All Over The Riffs" is due in November 2003.