July 3, 2002

Bassist extraordinaire Steve DiGiorgio (i.e. TESTAMENT, CONTROL DENIED, SADUS) has posted the following update via his official web site:

'[My project with SADUS frontman Darren Travis and TESTAMENT vocalist Chuck Billy] is going under the name SUICIDE SHIFT. We're still working on songs for the album. We've talked to a couple of great musicians to play on it with us. There were several that were contacted and are being contemplated, but it looks like right now we're just going with Per [Moller Jensen] from THE HAUNTED on drums, and possibly [former TESTAMENT/DEATH guitarist] James Murphy to guest on some guitar solo spots. We'll see how it all shapes up one day...if gets done.

"CONTROL DENIED album recording is still idle. The master recordings are in Chuck [Schuldiner]'s mom and sister's possession, and we can't do anything until the legal side of the album is cleared up. We do intend on finishing is what Chuck wanted. After all, it is the first time he'll have the same consecutive line up. And to clear it up again: Richard [Christy]'s drums are done, Chuck recorded (I believe) most of his guitar parts (I haven't heard any of the final recordings, just preproduction, which is all Chuck's guitar),Shannon [Hamm] hasn't put any solos on there yet, Tim [Aymar] hasn't recorded any vocals yet, and I haven't put one note of bass on there either. Once we get a chance to do all of that - to add to what Chuck and Richard have recorded, then Jim Morris will mix it all down. But there is no projected time frame for this, so as frustrated as you are to hear it, imagine how much more frustrating it is for us to not be able to fulfill his last wish.

"Now the good news! I've completed work on an album with a band from Sweden called VINTERSORG. The album Visions From The Spiral Generator is being released in Europe today, July 1st. I'm not sure when the release is for The States...but I think it's in August some time. has it for mail order, and it's a great CD mail order company...I get stuff from there all the time, free shipping in the US and Canada! I think this is some of my best work of recent times. The music is very progressive in a metal field. I've been told there are elements of Swedish folk, black metal, progressive metal and of the epic variety incorporated in this album. Whatever. It's totally innovative and has all the emotional peaks and valleys a creative piece of music should have. I hear stuff from the old days fused with a modern flavor, it's totally hippie metal! The vocals of Mr. V himself are superb, and his and Mattias' guitar work is great, I had the pleasure of laying my tracks down on the awesome drumming of Asgeir Mickelson (SPIRAL ARCHITECT, BORKNAGAR),the songs are well written and there is definitely a nice offering of fretless slitherings intertwined here and there throughout the whole album. I order you to obtain this and listen to it 100 times! Skål För Helvete!!!"

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