STEVEN ADLER: I Wouldn't Join AXL ROSE's New Band For A Billion Dollars
June 15, 2004Former GUNS N' ROSES drummer Steven Adler recently answered a few fan questions for the "Q N' A" section of The Official Steven Adler Fansite. A couple of highlights follow:
T-Bone asks: "...so what if Axl [Rose] called you today and said, 'Stevie, Brain isn't working out, I want you to come and play with this new GNR I've got going?' Would you jump at it or what?"
Steven Adler: "I would insist that we do it all together. I wouldn't play with Axl by himself. You could pay me a billion dollars and I wouldn't do it unless it was the five of us. I don't need or wouldn't take the money 'cause it wouldn't be right! It's a shame, if we did it right now, I couldn't see Axl being a part of it. I'm not gonna be a slave. I'm a rock n' roller!"
Sharpshooter says: "Hi Steven. I have been a huge fan from the start of GNR. You have said you would love to get the five of you guys back together again, well that would be too good to be true. What are the chances of that happening again?
Steven Adler: "Didn't I just answer this? (laughs). Like I said, slim to none and it's sad. It sucks! I want to do it. That's why I'm doing it with my band. I'm just doin' what Axl was doin'. Y'know, I'm one original member. Only thing is, I'm showin' up. I'm playing all the songs that everybody wants to hear, 'cause I love the songs, too. They're a big part of my life. All the shows that we've done, people have been just stoked. It's going really well. We're going to Europe on the 23rd of June and also that VH1 GUNS N' ROSES thing, me and Slash were they only ones that were interviewed. That's airing this month."