STONE SOUR's MAYORGA Says Playing With SEPULTURA Was 'An Incredible Time'

December 11, 2007

Dannyboy's Daily Dose recently conducted an interview with STONE SOUR/ex-SOULFLY drummer Roy Mayorga. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

Dannyboy's Daily Dose: Let's kick off with "Come What(ever) May"… What are your personal thoughts, what this album stands for to you, and what its position in your carreer?

Roy: Well, this record is very special to me more because its the most different situation I've been invovled in. It's a rock record. I'd never been in a band that would make such a record before. For me it's a great thing. I always wanted to be in a band like this. I grew up listening to LED ZEPPELIN, THE WHO, KISS, BLACK SABBATH, POLICE, RUSH…. I can go on… Not saying we sound like any of these bands I mentioned, but it's in the rock and roll format I can identify with. Also another special thing about this record for me is the fact I got called in to do this record without knowing any of the other guys in the band and we just had instant chemistry when we all met for the first time (on another note…the song they tried me out on was "Reborn", which was the first song I ever recorded with STONE SOUR). Pretty crazy. I walked in that studio, they played me song by song. I would learn it right there and record it….. all in four days, 12 hours a day. I think that is by far one of the coolest experiences I ever had in the studio.

Dannyboy's Daily Dose: Technically and musically how you feel to play in STONE SOUR after the other bands you played before?

Roy: It's deffinatly turned me into a different player playing with STONE SOUR. I tend to try and channel the drummers I grew up on, like Bohnam, Moon and incorporate some of their feel with my own feel to come up with what's on the record. The other bands I was involved in didn't really call for that. But were lots of fun to play with as well. Over the years you learn instinctually how to adapt. That's what a musician does, I guess.

Dannyboy's Daily Dose: When you worked on the album, how much you involved in the creative process and ideas?

Roy: Well, some of the parts were there already…. I just enhanced them and made them a lot more solid and changed up a few parts to suit my vibe. I was adding to the songs, for the most part. The songs were written before I entered the studio. Originally I was only recording the album…..but then I ended up joining the band as full member. It's pretty wild how it all came together.

Dannyboy's Daily Dose: Last year you toured with SEPULTURA. How you enjoyed that period?

Roy: That was an incredible time. Those guys were so great to jam with, hang with. To jump in that situation for me was unheard of. The day Andreas [Kisser] asked me to join them for the tour I nearly fell out of my chair spilling my whole pint on the floor. It was a lot of fun. And it felt great to be able to have the chance to play all those classic SEPULTURA songs that we all love so much. If they were ever to ask me again to play, I would definitely do it.

Dannyboy's Daily Dose: Do you have plans on a solo record? If yes, what kind of musical direction can we expect?

Roy: I am planning on making a dark, orchestral, percussive record. It will involve most of the perc family and lots of brass and bass violin, cello and violin and, of course, my set-up in the middle of it all. I have a few compositions written… I probably won't start recording it until summer.

Read the entire interview at this location.

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