STORY OF THE YEAR Announces 'Tear Me To Pieces' Album, Shares Video For Title Track

October 12, 2022

STORY OF THE YEAR will release its sixth studio album, "Tear Me To Pieces", out March 10, 2023 via SharpTone Records. The LP is distinctly, invitingly, loudly STORY OF THE YEAR. Heartache, desperation, motivation, toxic relationships, pain, loss, anger — all of the essential ingredients of the classic STORY OF THE YEAR sound propel "Tear Me to Pieces" in dazzling new ways.

"I think this album will be a defining moment in our career," says guitarist Ryan Phillips. "When our fans hear it, they'll be, like, 'Oh, shit, these dudes are ready to go!' This is the sound of a band putting everything into it. If a new band came out with this album, I'd be texting everyone in my band about it."

To celebrate the announcement, STORY OF THE YEAR has shared lead single and title track "Tear Me To Pieces". The track sets the tone for the entire album — hard-hitting, catchy, and unforgettable.

On the new track, Phillips explains: "Perhaps more than any song on the record, 'Tear Me To Pieces' checks all of the boxes in regards to what best defines STORY OF THE YEAR — anthemic pop choruses balanced with guttural screams, high-energy punk rock-inspired drums, dark-ish lyrics, and aggressive guitar riffs. This one song runs the gamut."

"This song fully represents the lyrical and musical vibe of the entire album," adds vocalist Dan Marsala. "That's why we chose it to be the opening track and album title as well. 'Tear Me To Pieces' puts you in the right mindset to hear the best record STORY OF THE YEAR has recorded in a long time."

The announcement follows the recent release of "Real Life", the band's first single with SharpTone Records. The track highlights everything that fans have grown to love about STORY OF THE YEAR over their impressive career — addictive instrumentals, powerful vocals, and a story that listeners can relate to.

"'Real Life' is a return to form for STORY OF THE YEAR," says Marsala. "It evokes the same emotion and energy of 'Page Avenue' but with a brand new and exciting feel. It's a song about the constant struggle of making a relationship work. The ups and downs of being in love. Not every day is full of sunshine, but if you fight through the pain together, you can make it out alive with a smile on your face."

"Tear Me To Pieces" track listing:

01. Tear Me To Pieces
02. Real Life
03. Afterglow
04. Dead And Gone
05. War
06. Can't Save You
07. 2005
08. Sorry About Me
09. Take The Ride
10. Knives Out
11. Use Me

STORY OF THE YEAR's debut album, "Page Avenue", was one of the first of its kind to sell a million copies. "Until The Day I Die" endures as both an anthem and mission statement. Tours with LINKIN PARK, MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, DEFTONES and THE USED cemented STORY OF THE YEAR's reputation as a stunning and engaging live act. The connection between the band and audience transformed STORY OF THE YEAR from teenagers working in a St. Louis pizza chain franchise into hard rock headliners. Fans grew together with Dan Marsala, Ryan Philips, Josh Wills and Adam Russell, from "Page Avenue" (2003),"In The Wake Of Determination" (2005),"The Black Swan" (2008),"The Constant" (2010) to "Wolves" (2017). They specialize in intense, passionate, confessional compositions that inspire and empower. Songs like "The Antidote", "Real Life", "Miracle", "The Ghost Of You And I", "Anthem Of Our Dying Day" and "Take Me Back" resonate with anyone.

Photo credit: Ryan Phillips

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