SUICIDAL TENDENCIES Singer: Recovering From Back Surgery, No Timetable For Doing Shows

March 17, 2004

SUICIDAL TENDENCIES singer Mike Muir has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"As you are all probably aware, I had back surgery after the last tour. I've been doing what I need to be doing and been getting a 'lil better all the time. Thanx for all that have expressed concern, etc.

"However we do not have a timetable for doing shows, which means we will not have a release schedule till then. The one thing for sure is, we will be talking our time and doing things right...our definition of right.

"We appreciate all the emails encouraging our quick return, but in the long run, it does no one any good to rush back and have a set back because of it...So at this time, we are not officially planning anything.

"Previously we had called 2004 'The Year of the Cyco'. We didn't just wake up one day and think that would be a good slogan. We had put in a lot of time, thought and energy into several projects and ideas, with several other people to come up with a plan that we felt was great and had already finished the foundation.

"Unfortunately, you can not plan for some things (like back surgery),so our plan will undoubtedly change, not just put back in time.

"When it does and we have a new course of action, we will post it. Until then, it would all really be speculation, and that's something we try and avoid. We'll deal with the 'what if' scenarios in our head, we do not throw out a million possibilities that aren't even worth the time to type them.

"Some people can't get that point, I hope you can."

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