SYSTEM OF A DOWN Bassist Says It's Alright To Be Against War In Iraq

April 12, 2003

SYSTEM OF A DOWN bassist Shavo Odadjian thinks that it's all right to not be in favor of the war in Iraq and has added that some Americans can't differentiate between anti-war and anti-American.

"People see citizens who are anti-war anti-American or anti-patriotic and that's so wrong," he said. "There's nothing anti-patriotic about wanting peace. There really isn't. There is a fine line I guess that people don't know how to separate. I don't know how to tell which one it is. It's not unpatriotic to have feelings and beliefs that don't go with the President — with his feelings and beliefs.

"The President isn't thinking just about one thing [by waging war on Iraq], he's thinking about a lot of things. There's a lot of facets to this war. I'm no politician and I'm not going to only be talking about the war, but there's so many other reasons he's doing this other than what he tells us."

On the greeting Michael Moore got at the Oscars when it came to him speaking on it, Odadjian said, "Michael has his own opinions, and that was his way of expressing it. That was his chance to express it to the world and he did. I don't know what to say about it."

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