THE ACACIA STRAIN: More Footage From The Studio Posted Online
May 12, 2010Massachusetts-based metallic juggernauts THE ACACIA STRAIN entered Planet Z Studios in Hadley, Massachusetts on April 14 with producer Chris "Zeuss" Harris to begin recording the follow-up to 2008's "Continent".
The fourth in a series of webisodes featuring behind-the-scenes footage from the making of the new CD can be viewed below.
THE ACACIA STRAIN has just launched an in-studio streaming web cam where you can watch the goings-on at various points of the day throughout the rest of the recording process. Check in between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. EST over at livestream.com/theacaciastrain to see what vocalist Vincent Bennett and the fellas are up to.
THE ACACIA STRAIN has been confirmed for three shows in May with KILLSWITCH ENGAGE in addition to the previously announced "Cool Tour" in July/August with AS I LAY DYING, UNDEROATH, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME, BLESSTHEFALL, ARCHITECTS, CANCER BATS and WAR OF AGES.
"The Most Known Unknown", the debut DVD from THE ACACIA STRAIN, has entered Billboard's Top Music Videos chart at position No. 10.
Disc one of the "The Most Known Unknown" DVD documents a sold-out show at the Worcester Palladium shot in December 2008, while disc two contains footage of a show at the much smaller and more intimate Waterfront on the band's home turf of Holyoke, Massachusetts, as well as three music videos, a documentary covering the formative years of the band and a "10 Seconds of Fame" bonus segment, in which select fans were given 10 seconds on camera to do whatever they wanted.
"The Most Known Unknown" features cover art by Paul Romano, who was also responsible for the cover of THE ACACIA STRAIN's latest album, "Continent", as well as covers for MASTODON, TRIVIUM and many more.
THE ACACIA STRAIN sold almost 5,600 copies of "Continent" in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 107 on The Billboard 200 chart. The CD debuted at No. 2 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.