THE CHARM THE FURY To Release 'A Shade Of My Former Self' In September

July 9, 2013

Dutch female-fronted metallers THE CHARM THE FURY will release their new album, "A Shade Of My Former Self", on September 17 in North America via Pavement Entertainment and on September 16 in the rest of the world through Listenable Records.

"A Shade Of My Former Self" track listing:

01. The Unveiling
02. A Testament
03. Carte Blanche
04. A Shade Of My Former Self
05. The Enemy (feat. Jamie Graham)
06. Colorblind (feat. Daniƫl de Jongh)
07. In The Wake Of Pride
08. Living Saints
09. Heartless, Breathless
10. Virtue Of Leadership
11. A New State Of Mind
12. Deliverance

THE CHARM THE FURY's debut CD, "The Social Meltdown", saw a frenzy of hype surround the band, with extensive coverage across national radio, including BBC Radio One, and in Europe's acclaimed music magazines such as Metal Hammer and Kerrang!

THE CHARM THE FURY graced stages with the likes of I KILLED THE PROM QUEEN, OH SLEEPER and TEXTURES during 2012 and put on a memorable performance at Groezrock festival that raised the bar and offered a greater platform to reach new fans.

The female-fronted quintet not only offers something creatively different with its female screamer but a collection of high-energy monstrous anthems that have hooked the industry with full effect.

Says vocalist Caroline Westendorp: "It is so exciting to see how fast the band has grown in such a short space of time. Reactions have been so positive and it is great to welcome the two labels on board and make the next release a real big deal across seas. You can expect some cool surprises in the new record and we cannot wait to show the fans what we have in store for them."


Caroline Westendorp - Vocals
Mathijs Parent - Guitar
Rolf Perdok - Guitar
Lucas Arnoldussen - Bass
Mathijs Tieken - Drums

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