THE GATHERING Singer To Perform With TRISTANIA In Bergen

October 4, 2010

Silje Wergeland, vocalist of the Dutch alternative rock act THE GATHERING, will join TRISTANIA on stage during the band's October 7 concert at Garage in Bergen, Norway.

Silje, who has successfully worked with THE GATHERING since 2008, started her career as a singer in TRISTANIA guitarist Gyri Losnegård's former band, OCTAVIA SPERATI, in 2000. OCTAVIA, which has been creatively "on hold" for the past two years and only occasionally performing at a few special events, did several tours in the U.K. from 2005 to 2008, and even played a few shows with TRISTANIA vocalist Kjetil Nordhus and his former band, GREEN CARNATION.

Commented Silje: "I am honored to be singing with the nice guys and gals of TRISTANIA here in my hometown, Bergen. I've been following the band since Gyri joined them and really like their new sound and album 'Rubicon'. It will be great fun to play with Gyri again as with Kjetil, Mariangela and the rest of the band."

"Year Of The Rat", the new video from TRISTANIA, can be viewed below. The song comes off the band's sixth album, "Rubicon", which was released in August via Austria's Napalm Records.

TRISTANIA in 2007 announced the addition of Italian singer Mariangela "Mary" Demurtas to the group's ranks. Losnegård was added to the lineup in 2008.

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