TOMMY THAYER Discusses KISS Tribute Bands, Guitars And His Live Setup
July 15, 2005KISS guitarist Tommy Thayer recently answered a few questions from fans via his official web site. A few excerpts from the Q&A session follow:
Q: What is your favorite fast food restaurant? What is your favorite candy?
Tommy Thayer: "I've been straying away from fast food as much as possible anymore, but when the temptation arises it's usually In N Out Burgers. Candy selection would be dark chocolate, preferably Dove."
Q: Which of the current KISS tribute bands are the best? Are there individual members from different acts that you think stand out more than others?
Tommy Thayer: "I haven't seen many of the current contenders lately, but I'd have to say that KISSNATION will blow the doors off the house."
Q: As a fellow guitarist, I love looking at your KISS tour photos! You have some amazing guitars. Please tell us about your guitar collection. How long have you had those beautiful Les Pauls? Of all the guitars you own, which is your favorite — and why?
Tommy Thayer: "I've played Gibson Les Pauls as long as I've played, with few exceptions. I probably have nine or ten total. The four I have on tour with me are Gibson Custom Shop Les Paul 'Classics,' three of which are 1960 Honeyburst Reissues and another is a black version. At home I have my black Les Paul Custom I played in BLACK 'N BLUE as well as a wine red Les Paul Deluxe along with a couple other '70s Sunbursts and other assorted odds and ends."
Q: Can you give us a run-down your live gear setup you use with KISS?
Tommy Thayer: "My amplification setup is as follows: Four Marshall JCM 100 watt amp tops driving four custom 4 x 12 cabinets loaded with Vintage 30 Celestian speakers. The only guitar effect I use is a Boss Octave-Divider for a couple solos. My motto is 'keep it simple,' it always sounds better that way!"