September 22, 2005

The first dates have been announced for this fall's "Under The Underground Tour", featuring BYZANTINE (Prosthetic Records),HALO OF LOCUSTS (fronted by D. Randall Blythe of LAMB OF GOD),and THE DREAM IS DEAD (Escape Artists Records). This trek will be a three-week run through the Midwest, South, and Northeast and will kick off October 13. Currently confirmed dates are as follows

Oct. 13 - Cleveland, OH @ The Hi Fi
Oct. 14 - Rockford, IL @ Forest Hills Lodge
Oct. 15 - Grand Rapids, MI @ Ten Bells
Oct. 16 - Kalamazoo, MI @ Club Soda
Oct. 17 - Indianapolis, IN @ The Patio
Oct. 18 - Cedar Falls, IA @ The Reverb
Oct. 20 - Memphis, TN @ Hi Tone Cafe
Oct. 22 - Seminole, FL @ Bommerz Boiler Room
Oct. 25 - Jacksonville, FL @ Thee Imperial
Oct. 26 - Spartanburg, SC @ Ground Zero
Oct. 27 - Johnson City, TN @ The Sophisticated Otter
Oct. 28 - Cincinnati, OH @ Never On Sundays
Oct. 29 - Huntington, WV @ The Monkey Bar
Oct. 30 - Morgantown, WV @ 123 Pleasant St.
Oct. 31 - Buffalo, NY @ Broadway Joe's
Nov. 02 - Rochester, NY @ The Penny Arcade
Nov. 03 - Farmingdale, NY @ The Crazy Donkey

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