UNDEROATH Releases New Song 'Generation No Surrender'

December 6, 2024

UNDEROATH has released a new song, "Generation No Surrender". The track exhibits the beloved metalcore act's signature, uniquely original and organic blend of electronic experimentation alongside heavier elements, coalescing and synthesizing to form another fitting entry into UNDEROATH's stellar output as of late, which includes the recently released singles "Teeth" and "Survivor's Guilt".

Speaking on the new song, UNDEROATH singer Spencer Chamberlain says: "We wanted to write a song that would be a ripper live — something that moves an entire room, something we can all get behind and relate to.

"This song is written from the perspective that, if 'they' told us the world was ending and the apocalypse was upon us, we wouldn't be surprised — nor would we run from it. I think we'd face that battle head-on.

"I feel like we've reached a point in our lives where nothing surprises us anymore. We've all seen and been through a lot of shit, and I fear we're never told the truth. That pisses me off. I'm sure it pisses all of us off, which is why I feel like we are all 'generation no surrender'. It's not just about age — it's about all of us."

UNDEROATH is currently on the "They're Only Chasing Safety 20th Anniversary Tour", which has been massively successful, with over 35 sold-out shows. In addition to special guest STATIC DRESS serving as support throughout the dates in the United States, UNDEROATH has invited a group of friends to open for them at various local stops for the remainder of the tour. These handpicked acts play an important role in UNDEROATH's history, having been present during the original touring cycle of "They're Only Chasing Safety", and a few that have crossed paths with them along the way.

In 2025, UNDEROATH will visit Australia for the first time since 2019, performing "They're Only Chasing Safety" in its entirety along with an encore set, as direct support for ALEXISONFIRE. Soon after their jaunt in Australia, the band will return to North America for a run of shows supporting RISE AGAINST and PAPA ROACH as part of their "Rise Of The Roach" tour. UNDEROATH will also perform at Sonic Temple Art & Music Festival on May 10, 2025 in Columbus, Ohio and at Welcome To Rockville in Daytona Beach, Florida on May 16, 2025.

Additionally, UNDEROATH has teamed up with its label MNRK Heavy to bring you a one-of-a-kind giveaway featuring a real-life vinyl stamper that was used to press the landmark album "They're Only Chasing Safety". Enter the contest here. The deadline to enter is December 17, 2024. One lucky winner will be picked.

Photo credit: Jimmy Fontaine

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