June 7, 2004

Danish thrash/death metallers URKRAFT have been confirmed for the Masters of The Universe Festival, a one-day event set to take place on June 17 at Ekkert Aldurstakmark in Iceland. Also scheduled to appear are SHAI HULUD, GIVE UP THE GHOST, 27, I ADAPT, CHANGER and DREP, among others. URKRAFT will also be performing at the festival warm-up concert on June 16. For more information, click here.

URKRAFT's debut album, "Eternal Cosmic Slaughter", was released in March through Germany's Cartel Media. The CD was recorded at Antfarm Studios in Ã…rhus, Denmark with producer Tue Madsen (MNEMIC, RAUNCHY, 2TON PREDATOR). Download a couple of sample cuts: "At the Border of The Known World" (mp3),"Blessed Be the Human Beast" (mp3).

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