Watch: SEVENDUST Forced To Cut Performance At SICK NEW WORLD Short Due To Onstage Power Outage

May 14, 2023

SEVENDUST was forced to cut its performance short at the Sick New World festival in Las Vegas due to an onstage power outage.

The long-running Atlanta-based act kicked off what was apparently supposed to be a less-than-30-minute set on the "Sick Stage" at 4:15 p.m. on Saturday (May 13) and got through two full songs, "Pieces" and "Denial", and was on its third track, "Praise", when the power outage occurred, as captured in the fan-filmed video below.

A short time later, SEVENDUST guitarist Clint Lowery shared a photo of the band's appearance at Sick New World on Instagram and included the following message: "Well we made it to @sicknewworld festival. Only got two songs in when power went out to the stage and weren't able to finish. Outside of that it was amazing to see some old friends. Taking the red eye back to east coast- thanks for having us Vegas!!! Much love!! @sevendustofficial photo: @iamjoseescudero".

This year's Sick New World featured over 50 artists on the Las Vegas Festival Grounds, including headliners SYSTEM OF A DOWN, KORN, DEFTONES and INCUBUS.

SEVENDUST's fourteenth studio album, "Truth Killer", will arrive on July 28 via the band's new label home, Napalm Records. The follow-up to 2020's "Blood & Stone" was once again tracked at Studio Barbarosa in Gotha, Florida with producer Michael "Elvis" Baskette, who has previously worked with ALTER BRIDGE and SLASH, among others.

In a February 2023 interview with "The Mistress Carrie Podcast", Lowery stated about "Truth Killer": "I'm very stoked about the record. A lot of bands say that. I'm amazed we're still making music we love and we're not phoning it in. We worked really hard on it."

Clint previously talked about the upcoming SEVENDUST LP in an interview with "Good Company With Scott Bowling". At the time, he said: "I'm really excited about this record. We did that with Elvis Baskette. He's got his vibeā€¦ I think it's one of the best [records] we've done in a while, man."

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