WHIPLASH, AT WAR: Benefit Concert For Missing METALLICA Fan Postponed Due To Weather

December 19, 2009

The previously announced hard rock and heavy metal concert to raise money to help in the search for missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington has been potponed "due to a major snowstorm" in the area.

WHIPLASH, AT WAR and DANGEROUS NEW MACHINE were scheduled to take part in the event, which was supposed to be held tonight (Saturday, December 19) at the Canal Club in Richmond — more than two months after Morgan Harrington was last seen at a METALLICA concert in Charlottesville. All proceeds were meant to go to the Find Morgan Fund, which supports the Harrington family's ongoing search efforts.

A spokeswoman for the Harrington family issued the following statement: "Organizers DVS Artist Management & Marchant Entertainment are working with the Canal Club to reschedule the event and we will provide an update as soon as details are confirmed."

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