WITH PASSION Announce U.S. Spring Tour Dates

February 22, 2007

WITH PASSION's forthcoming effort, "What We See When We Shut Our Eyes", has been met with open arms and praise by fans and reviewers alike, garnering a 7 out of 10 in the April edition of Decibel magazine. Slated to release on May 8 in the U.S., WITH PASSION's upcoming CD will be promoted with a tour also featuring ISCARIOT and ARCHITECT. WITH PASSION will also be participating in a benefit show for the family of Jennifer Strange (who participated in a radio contest to drink large quantities of water, which subsequently took her life) on March 3, in conjunction with a plethora of other California bands, raising money for her family after her untimely, tragic death. Proceeds from the show will go to aid Jennifer's family ā€” so come out and support a good cause!


Mar. 24 - Madison, Wisconsin @ The Loft
Mar. 25 - Westfield, Michigan @ Token Lounge
Mar. 26 - West Dundee, Illinois @ Clearwater Theatre
Mar. 27 - Des Moines, Iowa @ Hary Marys
Mar. 29 - Aurora, Colorado @ Hubbas House of Rock n Roll
Apr. 01 - California Metal Fest @ Galaxy Theater, Santa Ana, California
Apr. 07 - Albuquerque, New Mexico @ Compound
Apr. 08 - El Paso, Texas @ House of Rock nā€™ Roll
Apr. 14 - Baton Rouge, Louisiana @ Darkroom
Apr. 24 - Rochester, New York @ Penny Arcade
Apr. 25 - Buffalo, New York @ Mohawk
Apr. 26 - Saginaw, Michigan @ Modern Exchange
Apr. 27 - Wheeling, West Virginia @ Yesterdays

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