YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Singer Not Part Of The G3 '03 Tour

August 18, 2003

When legendary Swedish guitarist YNGWIE MALMSTEEN hits the road this fall as part of the G3 '03 tour (also featuring JOE SATRIANI and STEVE VAI),he will be doing so without his current singer, Doogie White (ex-RAINBOW).

"If any singing is to be done [during Malmsteen's set] then I think [Yngwie] will do it himself," White told the MALMSTEEN fan site Yngwie Malmsteen's Overture. "It's a good move for him and will open him up to more people in the States. Hopefully once that is done we can tour [behind the last studio album] 'Attack' there (in the States)."

When asked if he owned any recordings from the "Attack" tour, including new material jammed on during soundchecks at various cities on the tour, White said, "[Yngwie] has all the recordings from the shows. I have not even heard them yet. We only jammed a couple of ideas. Nothing concrete just some of my lyrics and melodies over his throbbing riffs."


Oct. 09 - Thu Dodge Theatre - Phoenix, AZ
Oct. 10 - House Of Blues - Las Vegas, NV
Oct. 11 - Humphrey's By The Bay - San Diego, CA
Oct. 12 - Sun Reno Hilton Theatre - Reno, NV
Oct. 15 - Paramount Theatre - Seattle, WA
Oct. 16 - Portland, OR - Portland Art Museum
Oct. 17 - Chronicle Pavilion - Concord, CA
Oct. 18 - Greek Theatre - Los Angeles, CA
Oct. 20 – Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium

More dates will be announced soon.

(Thanks: Yngwie Malmsteen's Overture)

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