Sky Void Of Stars
NapalmTrack listing:
01. Austerity
02. Colossal Shade
03. Opaline
04. Birds
05. Drab Moon
06. Author
07. Impermanence
08. Sclera
09. Atrium
10. No Beacon To Illuminate Our Fall
Acclaimed Swedish producer Dan Swanö used to protest over KATATONIA vocalist Jonas Renkse's love of dissonance. Where Renkse's longtime partner, guitarist Anders Nyström, preferred streamlined, conventional melodies, the frontman has long favored the opposite, whipping up circuitous, heady songs that made the listener work. In doing so, Renkse permanently unmoored KATATONIA's sound. The band's trajectory from (admitted) PARADISE LOST rip-offs to where they are today as dark progressive rock/metal practitioners is profound. And now that Renkse is KATATONIA's lone songwriter, the band can go in any number of directions. On their 12th studio album, "Sky Void of Stars", the Swedes do just that.
"Sky Void of Stars" represents a sharper turn toward guitar-driven territory as opposed to 2020's contemplative "City Burials". That much is clear on opener "Austerity", which begins with Renske stating, "I thought things would take off, but they cooled down…", before moving into a big, spacious chorus. The tension builds on "Colossal Shade" but takes a sudden turn on "Opaline". It's here where Renkse is able to turn weird into gold. The song starts with a poppy keyboard line and handclaps — sounds once unthinkable for KATATONIA — but saved when Renkse and company travel through familiar, textured pursuits until yet another undeniable chorus kicks in that is on par with "Onward Into Battle", a stalwart from 2009's "Night Is The New Day".
The howl of winding lead guitar melodies carries "Birds", providing the warm embrace of the band's unforgettable yesteryear. Subtle angles and textures color "Drab Moon" and "Sclera", both patented KATATONIA exercises in restraint built upon careful guitars and dynamic drumming. SOEN's Joel Ekelöf lends some guest vocals on "Impermanence", but it's up for debate why the similarly throated Ekelöf" is splitting duties with Renkse". Nevertheless, KATATONIA"'s edge remains on "Author", where pointed riffing and groove drive Renkse"'s familiar vocal refrains.
"Atrium", the album's lead single, properly summarizes KATATONIA circa 2023: A dash of the band's patented one-note guitar melody layering (circa "Brave Murder Day") hits quickly from the 1:23 to 1:27 mark. The guitar line is over before anyone knows it, yet sticks out like a sore thumb, signifying that KATATONIA hasn't forgotten where they came from. "Sky Void of Stars" is the embodiment of a band that no matter the change in presentation, is still the darkest and most varied in metal.