Time To Burn

rating icon 6.5 / 10

Track listing:

01. Time To Burn
02. Like A Revolution
03. Take Me Away
04. So Loud
05. Save Me
06. Close Your Eyes
07. Godless
08. Fight 'Em With Your Rock
09. Never Enough
10. Endlessly
11. The Chain

It was bound to happen. With all these new kids coming out and paying homage to the old guard by borrowing liberally from the sweet sounds of '80s thrash and death metal, it was only a matter of time before we got treated to a healthy dose of hair metal. Before visions of spandex and lip gloss start dancing through your head, know that TAKING DAWN is not some gimmicky band trying to cash in on the buzz created by STEEL PANTHER. This Sin City foursome's debut, "Time To Burn", is a genuine shot of high-octane hard rock.

Big riffs, bigger choruses and a swagger that would make Tommy Lee proud, TAKING DAWN is one pretty goddamned entertaining band. A bit over the top, perhaps? Sure, but that's typically par for a course like this and though I've always found the glam-oriented stuff a tad cheesy, far be it from me to deny a good tune; which "Time To Burn" has plenty of. Arena-rock anthems like "Take Me Away" and the title track are tailor made for those who keep a steady flow of commercial rock radio flowing into their ears and can't help but to sing along to each song. Edgy, heavy blues-based tracks such as "Like A Revolution" and "Fight 'Em With Your Rock" would sound right at place on Dee Snider's "House Of Hair", while "Never Enough" comes across like AVENGED SEVENFOLD on hairspray. Names like SKID ROW, TESLA, MÖTLEY CRÜE and DOKKEN are going to come immediately to mind as this disc plays through, but TAKING DAWN a really a band unto themselves, despite the familiarities in sound and style. No, that doesn't mean they've managed to weave elements of prog or metalcore-ish breakdowns into this basket o' rock 'n' roll, but you can catch a sense of the modern day energy this band brings to the table. I guess it's this hunger and energy that really make "Time To Burn" such an easy album to latch onto. Sure, the infectious songwriting is a big part of that too, but it takes a certain something to carry those tunes over to a set of ears that's long been burnt-out on mainstream rock. Much of "Time To Burn" has that something.

Despite my deep-seeded feelings on all things glam (I guess it's worth a quick sidebar to note, I've yet to see this band in makeup, but musically the term is somewhat fitting),I have to say that "Time To Burn" is a very solid album. Not great, but good. Will it be spending weeks on end in my CD player? No, but the cover of FLEETWOOD MAC's "The Chain" is well worth repeated listens. If you're in the market for something with energy, accessibility and a bit of nostalgia the TAKING DAWN is your band. All in all, this album does deliver a pretty good time a few of these songs might actually stick in my head long enough to force a few more listens. Goddamnit.

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