CHANNEL ZERO's 'Feed 'Em With A Brick' To Receive Wider European Release In June

March 28, 2012

"Feed 'Em With A Brick", the latest album from reunited Belgian metallers CHANNEL ZERO, will receive a wider European release on June 1 via Graviton Music Services. The CD, which was originally made available last June in Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg through Roadrunner Records, was recorded at a Los Angeles-area studio with producer Logan Mader (MACHINE HEAD, SOULFLY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, DEVILDRIVER, GOJIRA).

CHANNEL ZERO's current lineup includes original members Franky DSVD on vocals, Phil B on drums and Tino De Martino on bass along with internationally acclaimed guitarist Mikey Doling (ex-SOULFLY, SNOT).

Doling first played with CHANNEL ZERO in 2010 as the replacement for guitarist Xavier Carion, who was forced to sit out the band's reunion concerts because of an injured ear.

Without Doling's injection of enthusiasm, this album might not have come to fruition.

"When I came out to play with CHANNEL ZERO in 2010, we had some concerts but no plan to make a record," Mikey recalls. "I began playing riffs for Franky while I stayed with him and he recorded them. He then went to our manager and said, 'Remember I said I didn't want to make a record? I do now...'"

Like a real a kick in the teeth, "Feed 'Em With A Brick" doesn't ignore the band's past influences but its sounds, song topics and the sheer energy oozing from every song are a breath of fresh air.

"As CHANNEL ZERO, we certainly write songs about issues that touch us all," explains Franky. "So, if we write a song about the global economy collapse, George Bush going to the electric chair or the environmental vibe, it is because we are aware of what goes on in the world these days." "It's hard not to at our age," quips Mikey. "When you're a kid, you're going to write about pussy, alcohol and cocaine. At our age you're writing about what's going on (in the world) cos you're seeing it with older eyes..."

CHANNEL ZERO's "In The City" video can be viewed below. The Pascal Baillien-directed clip was filmed in Los Angeles and features a guest appearance by adult-film actress Angie Savage.


Franky DSVD - Vocals
Phil B - Drums
Tino De Martino - Bass
Mikey Doling - Guitar

CHANNEL ZERO's third album, "Unsafe" (1995),was the band's first effort to be released internationally. The group followed it up by touring with MEGADETH, DANZIG, SPUDMONSTERS and BIOHAZARD, and embarking on an Australian headlining run. A fourth album, "Black Fuel", followed in 1996 but it failed to make a dent on international charts, leading to the band's split in 1997.

CHANNEL ZERO was one of the most popular homegrown metal acts in Belgium, where the band's albums reportedly sold upwards of 20,000 copies each.

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