CKY Fans Wage 'Harassment Campaign' Against ROLLING STONE Critic
August 12, 2005The following item was published in today's edition of the New York Post's "Page Six" (web site):
Rolling Stone writer Jenny Eliscu has complained to Island/Def Jam chairman L.A. Reid that one of his label's bands, CKY, is waging a harassment campaign against her — including the wish that she "die soon" — because she panned their new album.
Eliscu's one-star review of CKY's "An Answer Can Be Found" stated, "Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about CKY is the ardor of their fans, the CKY Alliance," who "bombarded this magazine with p - - - - d-off e-mails after we gave the band's previous album a two-star review.
"Here we go again. The presence of [MTV prankster] Bam Margera's brother Jess on drums may keep CKY aligned with the skate-punk scene, but 'An Answer Can Be Found' is mind-numbing stoner metal, with ginormous power chords, repetitive vocals and overwrought lyrics."
After the review appeared last month, CKY, which is short for Camp Kill Yourself, singled out Eliscu for abuse.
"I was besieged by phone calls from fans after singer Deron Miller posted my home number on the Internet," Eliscu wrote in an e-mail to Reid obtained by PAGE SIX. "In addition, he gave a widely circulated statement to [rock Web site] Blabbermouth saying that he hopes I die very soon.
"In the past few days, I've been deluged by copies of the new CKY record, sent to my home address and purchased by Deron Miller from a variety of sites online . . .
"I'm sure you can understand how I would find all of this quite disturbing. I've spoken with [CKY publicist] Lauren Schneider, who has done her best to keep me from blowing a gasket over this. Nonetheless, I wanted to be certain you knew what was going on with this band on your label.
"Their behavior teeters perilously close to harassment and, according to Rolling Stone's lawyer, could also be considered criminal. I would have just let it go if the problem had stopped a couple weeks back, but I can't understand why they continue to harass me, in my home. It is entirely unacceptable."
Rolling Stone spokeswoman Nora Haynes said: "This is a serious situation in which a well-respected journalist has been victimized through harassment, including death threats, for doing her job. This seems like a rather sad attempt to promote a band who should . . . rely more on their talent."
A spokeswoman for Island/Def Jam declined comment yesterday.