EVERY TIME I DIE Parts Ways With Bassist

August 21, 2006

On Saturday, August 19 at Michigan's Dirtfest, EVERY TIME I DIE's bassist Chris Byrnes played his last show with the band. According to one concert attendee, "Right after they finished the first song of their set, they announced that Chris was leaving the band and that it would be his last show. They didn't give any explanations, but right before they played their last song of the set they all gave him a hug and wished him well. They also told the audience that their merch guy also quit on them the day before and that their drummer's Dad was filling in at the merch tent. I made my way back there and sure enough, there was an old guy selling ETID T-shirts."

MTV.com recently reported that EVERY TIME I DIE shot a video for "The New Black" from their 2005 album, "Gutter Phenomenon". The clip was directed by Dan Rush (LAMB OF GOD) and depicts the bandmembers at a '70s party attended by Evel Knievel, go-go dancers, a half-naked man in rainbow suspenders and a guy playing with a Rubik's Cube (never mind that the Cube wasn't sold in America until 1980). In a somewhat nonsensical press statement, frontman Keith Buckley said, "In 1967, a man named Robert Patterson filmed the mythical beast Sasquatch as it strolled casually out of the woods and across an open field. Now set in 1972, director Dan Rush captures the existence of a musical beast called EVERY TIME I DIE as they partied poolside at an L.A. mansion."

(Thanks: Jason)

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