Ex-MEGADETH Guitarist JEFF YOUNG Responds To DAVE MUSTAINE's Drug Allegations

December 20, 2009

Former MEGADETH guitarist Jeff Young has responded to Dave Mustaine's allegation that the band's 1988 Australian tour was cancelled because of Young's heroin addiction.

Jeff, who made headlines on December 18 for accusing the MEGADETH mainman of, among other things, "dissing, exaggerating and just plain lying on some level about nearly every talented musician that has passed through his dysfunctional little ensemble," has taken to his official MySpace blog once again to address Mustaine's claim in a recent interview that Young's drug problem led to MEGADETH's 1988 Australian tour being called off and the group being "banned" from performing in the country.

Speaking to Tim Cashmere of Undercover during MEGADETH's October 2009 tour of Australia with SLAYER, Mustaine said (see video below),"We got banned down here [Australia] a long time ago because Jeff Young was playing guitar for us and we were all pretty messed up — heroin was really prevalent — and Jeff ran out in Japan. So he wanted to go home. Now, when I ran out, I just drank. [chuckles] But he wanted to go home. And we cancelled Australia. And consequently we stuck our head into a noose and we didn't come back here for 10 years. When we did come back here, we had a different promoter. We started to make amends to the Australian audience for what had happened.

"You know, it's a long way to come down here and to get people's hopes up and not come, that sucks. Especially because I'm sure it happens a lot. I'm sure there's a lot of people that say they're coming and they change their mind. So I don't wanna ever be like that again.

"So when we came down here, it was all about regaining the relationship with the Australian people. And the metal community here is very forgiving.

"I think if you are honest and you can say, 'Hey, look, we made a mistake...'

"I should have beat Jeff's butt and stuck him in a suitcase and went to Australia. [laughs] But, at the time, there was just no reasoning with him. This is the same guy that called up my girlfriend and said, 'I fantasize about having sex with you when I have sex with my girlfriend.' And I went, 'What did he say?' So I fired him on the spot for that. . . This happened [after the heroin incident]. 'Cause it was like the dust that accumulates makes mountains and this thing became like Mount Everest; it got to the point where it was like, 'No more.' 'Cause he opened up my suitcase one time and he found this love letter from Doro [Pesch] that she sent me. And he was in love with Doro, and he goes, 'I quit.' And his guitar tech came up to me and he goes, 'Hey, I can play his stuff tonight — don't worry, man.' I said, 'No, you can't. This stuff is so involved.' [laughs] And he goes, 'Well, if it makes you feel any better, I've been spitting in his water bottle every night.' And I went... [makes puking face]. 'Cause it was so disgusting to hear the guy do that."

Audio of Dave Mustaine talking to Undercover about Jeff Young (October 2009):

(Note: Another interview with Dave Mustaine where he makes a similar claim about Jeff Young can be found at The Metal Forge.)

The following is Young's response, as published on his official MySpace blog on December 19, 2009:

"I honestly didn't think I would be writing again so soon but in the wake of all the online chatter flailing about, some new info has come to light and there is absolutely no way I'm not responding to this...

"[Addressing Dave directly] Really, Dave, you lying piece of shit!!?? You've always respected the audience? Is that why every single night you had to be carried off stage cause you were too fucked up to stand — let alone play or sing. Were you really too fucked up to realize that Jr. [bassist David Ellefson], [drummer] Chuck [Behler] and I had a deal with the soundman to bury your guitar and vocal in the mix?

"Do you consider it respectful when a fan asks you for a guitar pick that you pick your stinking nose and flick it at them with a, 'There's your pick' response?

"Sid Vicious really had nothing on you — your fans truly ARE the lucky ones!

"So, we canceled the Australian tour because I ran out of heroin!? Let's get the REAL truth out there, buddy. We cancelled the Australia tour for one reason: So you could get back to L.A. quick . . . and into one of how many failed attempts at rehab? Then, while you are in rehab, you try to get me and the other members to smuggle heroin into the rehab in a Coke can!? WTF?

"In your futile attempt to pin your crap on an innocent party — let alone a cancer survivor that is seeking to live a stress-free lifestyle — you've shown yourself to be the most pathetic of human waste imaginable.

"While we're talking 'smack'... let's cover a few other areas:

"How bout the time you tried to get first, Chuck then Jr. and finally me to drive two hours to Medieval Times and bring you heroin? Your mom and sister were there with you that time, right? I'm sure they would have been so proud to see you nodding off at that jousting fest? Was that the first time you fired your entire band in one night because you couldn't get your fix? Yeah, you REALLY 'tough it out' when you can't get off, don't you?

"Or the time you got your guitar tech arrested trying to score you junk for you in East L.A.? As it happens, that was one of the nights I was tracking the solos you supposedly sang to me... wink, wink. Let us not forget when you put all of us — your band, your crew, our equipment in critical danger smuggling heroin into Japan submerged in shampoo bottles? JAPAN!! The place where they lock you up and throw away the key for drug smuggling. Thanks ever so for placing all of us in that position without our knowledge. With a boss like you, who needs enemies?

"Let us not forget my final gig with your outfit [at] the Monsters of Rock - Castle Donington [England]. We were supposed to play several more shows on that tour and AGAIN, we canceled for your next trip to rehab. And what was the lie that time? Oh yeah, that Jr. fractured his wrist and couldn't play! Put it on poor Jr. — the one that stood by you through everything.

"How do you live with yourself, man? Everyone was looking forward to the playing to the biggest crowds of our career and YOU ruined it up for us all! I'm sure our buddies in TESTAMENT who got to take our place REALLY appreciated it, though.

"Look around, man, read the responses online about yourself. Even your own fans can barely stand you anymore. You've lost your grip on reality and no one cares about your narcissistic warped views of the world. We mere mortals in Megaland simply can't wait for your forthcoming biography. 'Countdown to Extreme Bullshit' is a title I would like to submit for your consideration.

"All the fans you have left want is for you to shut the fuck up and use some of that toxic energy you waste spewing bullshit across the globe, turn it into something remotely positive and make an album that's half as good as 'Peace Sells But Who's Buying?!', 'So Far, So Good, So What?!' or 'Rust In Peace'.

"The few little bits I've shared to date are just tip of the iceberg — the measly stuff. If the fool wants to keep going, I now sit at the ready to respond in like to his banal verbal attacks. But the forthcoming details left to be shared won't be so pretty.

"Of course, there is another option. You wanna act like children? We can act like children. You think you're so fucking great? God's gift to guitar virtuosity? How 'bout this: I barely play electric guitar anymore but I hereby challenge you to a duel, sir: Any stage, anywhere in the world, any two MEGADETH tunes from the 'Peace Sells But Who's Buying?!' or 'So Far, So Good, So What?!' era. Let's see what's what brother. I'll play my solos, Chris' [Poland] solos AND your solos note-for-note and you have to do the same. Since you sang all of our solos to us, that should be an easy task for you, right?

"Are you ready to shut up and put your skills where your big fat overrated mouth is?

"One condition: You can't get anyone to help you figure out Chris or my solos — you have to do it by ear, just as I did/will. Finally, there will be no hiding behind other people's talent for you. Maybe Eddie Trunk will even let us do it on [VH1 Classic's] 'That Metal Show' so everyone can see what's real?

"Eddie, call me! ;)

"In closing, I want to respond briefly to the few that are concerned that I might be posting these blogs to drum up sales for my new album. I don't want my intent misconstrued.

"I don't need the money, I'm fully engaged in my new project, the YMT guitar trio and have no immediate plans to tour in support of my album. [Young's new solo album] 'Equilibrium' will sell what it will. If you like what you hear, buy it; if not, don't. And have a nice day.

"I'm doing this for one reason... I'm friends with Chris Poland, Glen Drover, Nick Menza and David Ellefson. And although I've yet to meet Marty [Friedman] and the others, I respect each of their talent immensely.

"Former disrespected MEGADETH members UNITE!"

Video footage of Dave Mustaine's October 2009 interview with Undercover in which he claims that MEGADETH's 1988 Australian tour was cancelled because Jeff Young ran out of heroin can be viewed below. (Note: The Jeff Young bit begins around the 6:39 mark.)

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