EXHUMED Frontman Says Singing For EXODUS In Mexico Was An 'Honor'

September 14, 2004

EXHUMED frontman Matt Harvey has commented on his one-off stint as the lead singer for EXODUS at their headlining gig in Mexico City last weekend. Writing to EXODUS' official message board, Harvey said, "I don't usually post on boards and what-not, but I wanted to make some kind of statement about the weekend I just had.

"To say I was honored to even be considered to fill in for the show in Mexico would be a HUGE understatement. I've been a fan of EXODUS since I bought 'Pleasures of the Flesh' in 1987 when I was 11 or 12 years old. The first metal show I ever attended was the 'Headbangers Ball' tour in '89 with ANTHRAX/EXODUS and HELLOWEEN. EXODUS is one of my favorite bands off all time and even though I've been mostly involved with the death metal and grind scenes for the past 12 years in EXHUMED, my love of thrash and of EXODUS has never faltered.

"I just want to thank Gary, Rick, Tom, and Jack for giving me the opportunity to front one of the greatest bands of all time on Saturday. I will never forget it as long as I live and I never would have thought that it would happen in my wildest 'heavy metal fantasy' (as Herr doktor Schnuggles would say). I also want to extend a massive thanks to all the Exobangers in Mexico City for making me feel welcome!

"I know that a lot of people were disappointed that Zetro didn't make it (myself included) but I know that the band didn't want to let the promoters and people involved, and most of all the fans, down. I hope that I didn't let you guys down up there — I did the best I could considering that we had only 5 songs' worth of rehearsal that day at soundcheck. I guess all those years of singing along with the albums finally paid off!

"Thanks so much for being an amazing crowd and making me feel at home, because I would be lying if I said that I wasn't really nervous up there! If anyone has any pictures or video, or audio for that matter I would love to see it.

"Thanks again to the Exodudes and their management and crew for making me feel welcome and especially to everyone at the show!"

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