FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's 'American Capitalist' To Be Made Available With New Artwork

November 21, 2011

Starting this Tuesday, November 22, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH fans will be able to get the brand new cover art for the band's current album, "American Capitalist". It features an illustration of the group's ubiquitous "mascot," Knucklehead, over the backdrop of Times Square in New York City.

"We are the people's band, and a lot of fans really liked this alternative artwork we had on the tour posters," explains guitarist Zoltan Bathory. "So many times we heard, 'THAT should be the album coverm' so we figured we'd make it happen. If you like the original cover, that's cool, too I guess the original will be somewhat of a limited item from now on, so there you go."

The new Knucklehead illustration will only replace the regular edition album version of "American Capitalist", while the deluxe edition artwork will remain the same.

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH recently released the second single from "American Capitalist", "Remember Everything", which is rapidly shooting up the Active Rock chart.

Bathory said in a recent feature on the band at that the success of "American Capitalist" is a "testament to our fans," adding, "We are in a fortunate position that the DEATH PUNCH fans take pride in buying the album and supporting us we owe everything to them."

"American Capitalist" debuted at No. 3 on The Billboard 200 chart, selling 91,000 copies in its first week of release. Both the chart and sales numbers were career highs for the group.

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's previous two albums, 2007's "The Way Of The Fist" and 2009's "War Is The Answer", are both certified gold for sales of more than 500,000 copies each.

The group's label, Prospect Park which also doubles as its management plans an extensive 18-month campaign behind the new disc.

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH kicked off the Share The Welt tour last month, which has the band headlining over ALL THAT REMAINS, HATEBREED and REV THEORY.

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