FIVE POINTE O Split With Vocalist, Guitarist

December 19, 2002

Chicago's FIVE POINTE O have parted ways with vocalist Daniel Struble and guitarist Sharon Grzelinski.

The group's official statement on the matter is as follows:

"FIVE POINTE O regretfully announces that of Friday Dec. 6th Daniel and Sharon have decided to part ways with the band. Though this has been a tremendous blow to the remaining members (Eric, Casey, Tony and Sean),FIVE POINTE O has decided to continue on and, as difficult as it might be, plan to seek replacements for Daniel and Sharon. FIVE POINTE O apologizes to all the fans and asks for their support in this, the band's darkest hour. We promise to you all that FIVE POINTE O has just begun and we're not ready to give up yet. With your support we will overcome. Thank you."

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